Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Bold Truth

With all of the blame being thrown around for government failure, and one of the biggest examples of that failure being Detroit and it's dramatic fall. Detroit once had the highest per-capata income in the nation and now it's condition might be compared to the depths of hell itself. Unfortunately for us, the biggest threat is that the rest of the nation now threatens to follow.

There might be some black people, or hispanic people, or other ethnic group that blame white people, and similarly white people will blame whoever they can. Democrats blame Republicans, Republicans blame Democrats. Those that have will defend ferociously what they have from those that want to take it from them. Why would anyone expect it to be any differently? And since those that want easily outnumber those that have, what else can one can be expected except for total depletion of wealth? Destruction has to be eminent in such a world.

Of course the Illuminati are to blame. The great house of Rothschild personally taught Cornelius Vanderbuilt and J.P. Morgan that, "The time to build is when there is blood in the streets." Once you look closely you'll see that the powerful bankers have build from this blood even when it's their own that gushed (just as in the past financial crisis that nearly crippled the world).  Is it any wonder then that they  (The Illuminati) delight in the blood and chaos that they can create.  Even when those that don't have power want blood and destruction, it's easy enough to come by. And since vast fortunes can be amassed through it, it is little wonder that disaster looms over the horizon.

But is the situation hopeless? As the world's foremost expert on Savants, one of the worlds most secret conspiracies and one that offers resistance against the Illuminati, I offer hope. The U.S. Constitution was written by the people, for the people. If the government fails it is because we have failed. Illuminati, those that "have," CAOS, etc. do not have any power that we as people don't give them.

Public school systems are a failure, especially if they are what you rely on for your education. The most important things that can be learned, can't be taught in that environment because it can't be measured. It is the "life lessons" or choice skills that happen in the heart, not the head that matter most.

The point of it all is, of course, personal accountability. Once you are ready to accept this, you can join my conspiracy to take back control of the government from the evil Illuminati. And we don't have to stop there, we can free the world from its evil grasp and win this war for the people.

Study again the U.S. Constitution and how this government was founded and feel of its power. See if it does not give you chills -- a thrill of excitement and pride. Once you feel and understand the minds and hearts of those revolutionaries, think of what you yourself can do to build upon that power. Perhaps you might think, "Are the words I'm spreading helping to divide an already cracking nation, or are they words of LOVE designed to repair damaged bonds, build and strengthen a weakened nation." Or perhaps you're doing nothing, which by its very nature is not helping the situation. Maybe you think there is nothing you can do, in which case the constitution has failed (at least for you). Those founding fathers had faith in you, don't let them down.

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